Continuing Education
继续教育是十大赌博登录官网为后传统学生开设的本科课程 大约需要23年以上的时间才能开始或完成学士学位,获得学位 额外的学士学位或采取类个人或专业充实.
whose education has been interrupted. Accordingly, a person is eligible for admission
him or her.
- 学业中断(中断两年或两年以上)的学生 在高等教育,或高中毕业后四年或以上),或谁有 连续全职工作两年或两年以上,并符合条件 根据财政援助规定,作为自费学生.
- 所有武装部队的退伍军人或持有学士学位或专业的人 diploma.
- 学生必须符合正常的资格要求才能参加任何校园教学.
Explore everything Aquinas has to offer. We have an extensive list of programs and 帮助你实现职业目标和进一步深造的课程.
- Complete the request information form. You will be contacted by email with further details. If you are ready to apply now, proceed to step 2.
- Fill out the application online. There is no fee to apply. If you would like to discuss attending Aquinas with an advisor before you apply, proceed to step 4.
- 请让你学校的注册主任将你的正式成绩单邮寄到十大赌博登录官网
College Registrar/Academic Advising Center. 十大赌博登录官网需要你上过的每一所大学的成绩单
the high school you attended.
Hard copies of transcripts should be sent to:
Registrar/Academic Advising Center
Aquinas College
1700 Fulton St. E.,
Grand Rapids, MI 49506-1801 - 与十大赌博正规平台在线学术顾问预约 - (616) 632-2871 or 如果你以前上过大学,一定要带上大学成绩单的复印件 与你一起,这样顾问就可以彻底讨论你学分的可转移性. Unofficial transcripts may also be used for this appointment. The registration process will be discussed at this time.
- Contact the Veteran Certification Officer如果您是美国军队的退伍军人(或符合条件的家属或配偶) 有资格获得教育福利,请致电(616)632-2893或发送电子邮件
- 完成经济援助程序,了解经济援助的可能来源.
学生们发现,通过各种助学金、奖学金、 loans and payment plans. To apply for financial aid, you will need to file a FAFSA as early as possible. Complete the FAFSA 在线(如果是第一次,在开始之前通过该网站获取FSA ID) completing the FAFSA. Note: Aquinas’ school code is 002239.) Feel free to contact the Financial Aid Office at (616) 632-2893 or - Contact Student Accounts at (616) 632-2864 or 如果你想建立一个付款计划或安排你的雇主帐单 directly. >Complete Details
The Michigan Transfer Agreement 的目的是促进学分的转移参与密歇根
colleges and universities. 审查要求和适用的通识教育课程.
Review the Transfer Equivalency Guide for the institution you are transferring from.
Other Transfer and Program Guides:
- Lansing Community College Transfer Guide
- 大急流城社区学院衔接协议计划指南
- 蒙特卡姆社区学院衔接协议项目指南
- 马斯基根社区学院衔接协议项目指南
- 奥克兰社区学院衔接协议项目指南
*如果你没有找到一个特定的类,请联系注册办公室 (616) 632-2866.
Transfer Credit Policy
- 十大赌博登录官网从认可的社区或学校接受最多60个学时的学分 junior college. 如果你来自四年制大学,你可以全部自由转学 在你以前的学校获得的文科和理科学分适用于你的大学 degree program.
- 如果你持有文学副学士学位,你将自动完成 在十大赌博登录官网的一般教育要求,除了神学基础 course, a Writing Intensive course, and a Senior Capstone. Students may need to complete the competency requirements of English and Math.
- 如果你持有任何其他副学士学位,官方成绩单审查将决定 which credits will still need to be completed.
- 如果从认可的四年制大学转学,则需要正式的成绩单审查 will determine which credits will be accepted. However, at least 30 semester hours must be earned in residence at Aquinas. Certain departments require at least half of the major course work to be completed at Aquinas.
- 从其他学院转过来的学生如果有这样的申请,将不能被录取 被另一所大学开除或正在留校察看.
Featured Highlights
Military Friendly School
Meet Mayerlyn Benscome
You’ve served your country; now let us serve you. We will help you take the classes
考虑到这一点,对于一个有三个孩子的职业母亲来说,生活已经很艰难了 她的母语不是英语,而且她是法定盲人,但她 她决定来到AQ完成她的学位,并在司法部找到一份工作 Department.